[aspectc-user] Compile after weaving

Yan Mao maoyan at gmx.net
Fri Jul 14 17:49:56 CEST 2006


maybe this is a silly question, but i really cant find out, how to compile the VC projects after ac weaving.

suppose i have a simple vc project "Trace". It contains 2 directories "inc" and "src". In "src", i have "main.cpp" and a class "Father.cpp". In "inc", i have "Father.h" and aspect "Trace.ah".

I weaved the project successfully with the command:
ac++ -p Trace -d Trace_Out –I Trace --no_line –e cpp --vc -v9

The directory "Trace_Out" I got, contained only .cpp .h and .ah files, all VC project related files are not there any more.

So far so good.

The problem now is, how can I compile the weaved code.

I tried to make a new project with VC and add these files to the project and compile them, but i got the following Errors:
...\trace_out\src\main.cpp(58) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden: 'inc/Trace.ah': No such file or directory
...\trace_out\src\father.cpp(70) : error C2252: 'JPID' : Nur Funktionen koennen rein virtuell deklariert werden
...\trace_out\src\father.cpp(71) : error C2258: Ungueltige Syntax fuer rein virtuelle Methode; '= 0' erforderlich
...\trace_out\src\father.cpp(71) : error C2252: 'JPTYPE' : Nur Funktionen koennen rein virtuell deklariert werden
...\trace_out\src\father.cpp(108) : error C2258: Ungueltige Syntax fuer rein virtuelle Methode; '= 0' erforderlich

Can anybody help me?
The line number are also irrational, they are offset from the real places. why?
For the first error, it should be '../inc/Trace.ah', but why it changed to 'inc/Trace.ah'?
How to get rid of the errors related JPID, JPTYPE?
and How do you weave and compile VC projects in a eay way?

thanks a lot

Yan Mao


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