<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; " class=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Courier; "><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Courier; ">Due to several requests of prospective authors, we have extended</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Courier; ">the deadline for position paper submissions.</span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Courier; "><br></span></div><div>New deadline: 02.05.2012</div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Courier; "><br></span></div></span><font face="Courier" class="Apple-style-span"><div><br></div></font><font face="Courier" class="Apple-style-span"> ** Call For Papers **<br class=""><br class=""> GI SOBRES<br class=""> 1st Workshop on Software-Based Methods for Robust Embedded Systems<br class=""> September 19, 2012, Brunswick, Germany<br class=""> <a href="http://www.danceos.org/sobres" class="">http://www.danceos.org/sobres</a><br class=""> <a href="mailto:sobres12@danceos.org" class="">sobres12@danceos.org</a><br class=""><br class=""> in conjunction with GMDS 2012 / INFORMATIK 2012<br class=""> <a href="http://www.informatik2012.de" class="">http://www.informatik2012.de</a> <br class=""><br class="">Future hardware designs for embedded systems are expected to exhibit an<br class="">increasing rate of intermittent errors in exchange for smaller device sizes<br class="">and lower energy consumption. This bears new challenges for software on all<br class="">layers of the software stack � from the operating system over compilers and<br class="">run-time systems up to the application � which have to provide and use<br class="">software-based measures to compensate for unreliable hardware.<br class=""><br class="">The 1st Workshop on Software-Based Methods for Robust Embedded Systems <br class="">(SOBRES �12) aims to provide a highly interactive forum for researchers and <br class="">developers to discuss the application of and relationships between exciting new<br class="">dependability concepts for all layers of the software stack, such as operating<br class="">systems, compilers, virtual machines and application frameworks. The goal is<br class="">to put these constructs into a common reference frame and to build connections<br class="">between the software engineering and embedded systems communities.<br class=""><br class="">Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br class=""><br class="">1. Software-based methods for fault injection and fault detection<br class=""> - Software-based fault injection using virtual machine technology<br class=""> - Software-based monitoring and analysis of soft errors<br class=""> - Visualization and assessment of soft errors<br class="">2. Software-based methods for fault isolation and fault recovery <br class=""> - Fault-tolerant operating systems<br class=""> - System software support for fault-tolerant applications<br class=""> - Virtualisation-based fault tolerance<br class=""> - Fault-tolerant data structures and algorithms<br class="">3. Software-based methods for the (semi-)automatic application of <br class=""> fault-tolerance measures<br class=""> - Language- and compiler-based approaches<br class=""> - Static analysis of dependability properties<br class=""> - Formal models for software-based dependability<br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Submission Guidelines for Position Papers: **<br class=""><br class="">Invitation to the workshop will be based on accepted position papers, 5�15<br class="">pages in length. All papers must be written in English and submitted as PDF<br class="">documents in LNI format (<a href="http://www.gi.de/service/publikationen/lni/" class="">http://www.gi.de/service/publikationen/lni/</a>) through<br class="">the SOBRES �12 online submission system found at:<br class=""><a href="http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sobres12" class="">http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sobres12</a>. Paper submissions will be<br class="">reviewed by the workshop program committee and by designated reviewers. Papers<br class="">will be evaluated based on originality, relevance, and technical quality.<br class="">Accepted papers will be published in GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics<br class="">(LNI).<br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Proposals for Lightning Talks: **<br class=""><br class="">In addition to position papers, we also solicit proposals for lightning talks,<br class="">that is, a combination of a 5 minute talk and 5-10 minute slot for questions<br class="">and answers. Prospective lightning presenters should send us an abstract of<br class="">250 words (<a href="mailto:sobres12@danceos.org" class="">sobres12@danceos.org</a>, deadline: Sep 1, 2012). Abstracts will NOT <br class="">be published, they are intended to be read by the reviewers only (hence the <br class="">late deadline).<br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Demos: **<br class=""><br class="">Based on the overall schedule and the topics of the accepted papers and<br class="">lightning talks the organizers will invite authors to give a tabletop demo of<br class="">their tool or system during the workshop.<br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Important Dates: **<br class=""><br class="">02.05.2012 Submission (EXTENDED)<br class="">31.05.2012 Author notification<br class="">17.06.2012 Camera-ready version<br class="">01.09.2012 Lightning talk abstracts <br class="">19.09.2012 Workshop <br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Workshop Co-Chairs: **<br class=""><br class=""> Ruediger Kapitza, Technische Universit�t Braunschweig<br class=""> Daniel Lohmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universit�t Erlangen<br class=""> Olaf Spinczyk, Technische Universit�t Dortmund<br class=""><br class=""><br class="">** Program Committee: **<br class=""><br class=""> Klaus Echtle, University of Duisburg-Essen<br class=""> Christof Fetzer, TU Dresden<br class=""> J�rg Kaiser, Otto-von-Guericke Universit�t Magdeburg<br class=""> Johan Karlsson, Chalmers University of Technology<br class=""> David H. Lorenz, The Open University of Israel<br class=""> Harald Michalik, TU Braunschweig<br class=""> Hans P. Reiser, University of Passau</font><div class=""><font face="Courier" class="Apple-style-span"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="background-color: transparent;"> Antonio Casimiro, University of Lisboa, Portugal</span><br class=""></font><br class=""></div></body></html>