2 Installation
The first step is to install AspectC++. We recommend downloading the latest release from https://www.aspectc.org in the Download section.
2.1 Installing AspectC++ on Linux
Note: If you are using Debian, Ubuntu, or derivatives, you can install AspectC++ readily from the distribution’s repository by typing the following command in a terminal:
sudo apt install aspectc++
That’s all!
If you use a non-Debian/Ubuntu Linux distribution or want to install the most recent version of AspectC++, you can choose between a 32-bit (Linux/x86) and 64-bit (Linux/x86_64) version. Open a terminal and enter the following command:
If the output is
x86_64, download the 64-bit version (Linux/x86_64) from
https://www.aspectc.org. Otherwise, download the 32-bit version (Linux/x86). Open a terminal, change to the download directory and unpack the downloaded file:
tar xzvf ac-bin-linux-*.tar.gz
The unpacked contents are stored in the folder
aspect++/. The next step is to add that folder to your
PATH system variable. Assuming you have downloaded AspectC++ to a folder named
Downloads/ in your home directory (
$HOME), just type the following command in the terminal:
export PATH=$HOME/Downloads/aspectc++/:$PATH
Add the line from above to
$HOME/.bashrc or the like to set this path permanently.
Linux users should also install the GNU C++ compiler (g++). If you are using Debian, Ubuntu, or derivatives, you can install the build-essential package from the distribution’s repository.
2.2 Installing AspectC++ on macOS
On macOS, go to https://www.aspectc.org and download the respective release file. Open a terminal, change to the download directory and unpack the downloaded file:
tar xzvf ac-bin-macosx-*.tar.gz
The unpacked contents are stored in the folder
aspect++/. The next step is to add that folder to your
PATH system variable. Assuming you have downloaded AspectC++ to a folder named
Downloads/ in your home directory (
$HOME), just type the following command in the terminal:
export PATH=$HOME/Downloads/aspectc++/:$PATH
Add the line from above to
$HOME/.zshrc or the like to set this path permanently.
On macOS, you should also install the Clang C++ (clang++) compiler by using the following command:
2.3 Installing AspectC++ on Windows
On Windows, go to https://www.aspectc.org and download the respective release file. Open the file manager, change to the download directory and unpack the downloaded zip file. The unpacked contents are stored in the folder aspect++\. The next step is to add that folder to your PATH system variable:
- Open the Windows start menu (Start) and search for environment variables and open it.
- Click on the button “Environment Variables”.
- In the section “User variables” select the item Path and click on the “Edit” button.
- Click on the “New” button. Assuming you have downloaded AspectC++ to a folder named Downloads\ in your home directory on drive C:\, enter the following path: C:\Users\<Your Name>\Downloads\aspectc++
- Click on the “OK” button of every opened window.
Windows users should also install MSYS2 and the GNU C/C++ compiler (GCC). Go to https://www.msys2.org/ and follow the instructions for installing MSYS2. In particular, take care of installing GCC using pacman as described there. You should add the installation path of that GCC to your PATH system variable:
- Open the Windows start menu (Start) and search for environment variables and open it.
- Click on the button “Environment Variables”.
- In the section “System variables” select the item Path and click on the “Edit” button.
- Click on the “New” button. Assuming you have installed MSYS2 to C:\msys64\, enter the following path: C:\msys64\ucrt64\bin
- Click on the “OK” button of every opened window.
2.4 Troubleshooting
To check your AspectC++ installation, open a new terminal (Linux and macOS) or PowerShell (Windows) and enter the following command:
ac++ --version && ag++ --version
The output should show the version numbers and build dates for your installed AspectC++ release, in the following format:
ac++ x.y (<date>, clang a.b.c)
ag++ u.w built: <date>
If you see these numbers and dates, you have installed AspectC++ successfully! Otherwise, check whether AspectC++ is in your
PATH system variable.
On Linux and macOS, examine the output of the following command:
On Windows using PowerShell, examine the output of:
3 Tracing Aspect
After installing AspectC++, it is time to write your first AspectC++ program. We will start by making a directory to store AspectC++ code. We propose to create a new directory called tracing_aspectc++ in your home directory. Open a new terminal on Linux, macOS, or Windows (using PowerShell) and enter the following commands:
mkdir $HOME/tracing_aspectc++
cd $HOME/tracing_aspectc++
Inside this directory, create a new source file and call it factorial.cpp. Open that file and enter the following C++ code:
#include <iostream>
unsigned int factorial(unsigned int n) {
return (n > 1) ? n * factorial(n - 1) : 1;
int main() {
std::cout << factorial(3) << " == 3!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Next, make a new aspect header file and call it tracing.ah. By convention, AspectC++ header files always end with the .ah extension. Open the tracing.ah file with your text editor and enter the following AspectC++ code:
#ifndef __TRACING_AH__
#define __TRACING_AH__
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
aspect Tracing {
unsigned int level = 0;
advice execution("% ...::%(...)") : before() {
std::cout << std::string(level++, ’ ’) << "> "
<< JoinPoint::signature() << std::endl;
advice execution("% ...::%(...)") : after() {
Save both files and go back to your terminal in the $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ directory. Enter the following command to compile both files to an executable program:
To run the program on Linux or macOS, type the following command in the terminal:
On Windows, enter:
Now, you should see the output of the program:
> int main()
> unsigned int factorial(unsigned int)
> unsigned int factorial(unsigned int)
> unsigned int factorial(unsigned int)
6 == 3!
The file factorial.cpp just computes the factorial of three and prints it on the final line (6 == 3!). The aspect header file tracing.ah makes the program to trace the C++ function execution and, therefore, prints the first four lines (beginning with >). That is, the function main() runs first, and then the function factorial(unsigned int) gets called three times recursively. In short, the AspectC++ expression advice execution("% ...::%(...)") captures the execution of any function by the wildcard expression "%" for return type and function name, and the wildcard expression "..." for any sequence of scopes and function arguments. The aspect file generates the tracing output eventually by AspectC++’s built-in function JoinPoint::signature(), which returns a formatted string per captured function that describes the function’s return type, its name, and argument types.
3.1 Project Directory Tree
By default, the AspectC++ compiler uses the current working directory ./ as project directory tree. That is, the AspectC++ compiler searches recursively there for aspect header files and applies the advice to all C++ source and header files in that directory. The project directory tree can also be specified on the command line explicitly. In our example, the following two commands are equivalent:
ag++ factorial.cpp
ag++ -p $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ factorial.cpp
This means, that the compiler applies all pieces of advice to source and header files in the $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ directory only. In particular, the compiler applies no advice to functions of the C/C++ standard library, because the standard library files are typically stored elsewhere. Therefore, the tracing aspect in our example does not print the operator << function on the std::cout object of the standard library.
3.2 Aspect Header Files
As explained in the previous section, the AspectC++ compiler by default searches recursively for aspect header files in the project directory tree. You can alternatively specify the aspect header files explicitly on the command line with the -a option. In our example, the following two commands are equivalent:
ag++ -p $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ factorial.cpp
ag++ -p $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ -a tracing.ah factorial.cpp
You can use the -a option multiple times if there are multiple aspect files to be considered. You can use -a 0 for not considering any aspect file at all.
4 Managing Dependencies with CMake
The CMake build system is a tool to manage growing software projects. You can use CMake to invoke the AspectC++ compiler and to manage include dependencies automatically. Install CMake as described in the download section of https://cmake.org.
Assuming you have stored the two files factorial.cpp and tracing.ah in the directory $HOME/tracing_aspectc++ as explained in the previous section, you can manage that directory with CMake by creating a new text file there and name it CMakeLists.txt. Open the CMakeLists.txt file with your text editor and enter the following CMake commands:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.20)
project ("AspectC++ Tracing Example")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "--Xweaver \
-p $ENV{HOME}/tracing_aspectc++ --Xcompiler")
file(GLOB cxx_files "*.cpp")
add_executable(factorial ${cxx_files})
Save the file and open a terminal (Linux and macOS) or PowerShell (Windows). Create a new out-of-source build directory:
mkdir $HOME/tracing_aspectc++/build
cd $HOME/tracing_aspectc++/build
The next step is to run cmake in your terminal to generate the build system:
Then, you can use it to compile and link the executable file factorial.
CMake takes care of managing include dependencies. That is, when a source, header, or aspect header files changes, you can use the previous command to rebuild only the affected set of files. AspectC++ currently considers every aspect header file as include dependency. That is, changes to one aspect header file cause every source file to be rebuilt. Technically, AspectC++ generates the dependency information just like g++ with the -MMD and -MD command line options, respectively.
5 Cross Compilation
The AspectC++ compiler comes with two tools: ag++ and ac++. The ac++ tool implements a source-to-source compiler that translates AspectC++ source code to plain C++ source code. Thus, ac++ does not directly generate the executable. You have to use a C++ compiler, such as the GNU C++ compiler (g++). For that reason, there is the ag++ tool, which implements a wrapper for both g++ and ac++. That is, ag++ invokes ac++ first to carry out the source-to-source transformation to a temporary file, and then invokes g++ to generate the executable. Because of that, you typically should not invoke ac++ manually and should use ag++ instead.
By default,
ag++ invokes the host
g++ compiler to generate the executable. However, you can also make
ag++ use a
cross compiler. You can compile the example program from
Section 3, for instance, to ARM microcontrollers using the GNU ARM embedded toolchain with the following command:
ag++ --c_compiler arm-none-eabi-g++ \
--Xcompiler -specs=nosys.specs factorial.cpp
The ag++ option --c_compiler specifies that the arm-none-eabi-g++ compiler (if installed) shall be used to generate the executable. In addition, the above command uses the --Xcompiler option to tell ag++ that every subsequent command line option shall be passed to the C++ (cross) compiler only. The other way around, any command line option after --Xweaver will passed to the ac++ tool only. You should pass special options to the cross compiler, such as -specs=nosys.specs in our example, by placing them after the --Xcompiler option.