[aspectc-user] Bugreport: Poincut-Designator not working

Dominik Sacher sacher at dvoid.org
Wed Oct 23 22:01:23 CEST 2002

Dear all!

Poincuts do not "find" the correct joinpoints, if the specified
Return-Type is a pointer.

Having this class:
class ClassX{

int a;
char* b;
int* c;

  int   getA() { return a; }
  char* getB() { return b; }
  int*  getC() { return c; }


does this Pointcut change all methods: (OK!)
pointcut pc_ClassX_GETTER() =  execution("% ClassX::get%()");
advice pc_ClassX_GETTER() : after() {
    cout << "AFTER" << endl;

but neither this Pointcut changes any method: (BUG!)
pointcut pc_ClassX_GETTER() =  execution("char* ClassX::get%()");

nor this one:
pointcut pc_ClassX_GETTER() =  execution("int* ClassX::get%()");

I haven't done any more tests on which return-types were "found" by the Poincut 
and which were not.


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