[aspectc-user] Call for Papers - Workshop on Best Practices in Applying Aspect-Oriented Software Development (BPAOSD'06)

Danilo Beuche danilo.beuche at pure-systems.com
Sun Dec 11 19:54:27 CET 2005

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                      C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S

                            First Workshop on
          -- Workshop on Best Practices in Applying Aspect-Oriented
                       Software Development (BPAOSD'06) --
                                 at the
    5th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
                  March 20 – 24, 2006 Bonn, Germany
                         University of Bonn



As AOSD is getting used in real-world applications, it becomes
important to document the best practices that have repeatedly proven
to work in practice. As the first workshop on this topic, the
AOSD'06 Workshop on 'Best Practices in Applying Aspect-oriented
Software Development' (BPAOSD'06) aims at discussing and documenting
best practices for applying AOSD. We seek descriptions of
successful solutions using, building, extending, or integrating AOSD
technologies. Further, we want to discuss and document real-world
application examples from which best practices can be mined.

For this first workshop on the best practices in
applying AOSD we solicit workshop submission in one of the following
four categories:

- Best practices for using AOSD

- Best practices for building or extending AOSD infrastructures

- Best practices for using AOSD in conjunction with other concepts and
  technologies, such as model-driven architecture, model-driven software
  engineering, product lines architectures, service-oriented
  architectures, component infrastructures, middleware, etc.

- Real-world application examples from which best practices can be

The workshop is planed as a full day event. The workshop will aim to
foster discussion and interaction rather than elaborate presentations. After
a short introduction by the organizers, all participants will be given
a chance to briefly introduce their position or their case studies to
provide triggers for discussion in the second part of the workshop by
stating a controversial point of view, or by introducing a new
point of view.

In the afternoon, we will foster an open discussion using the "Open
Space" technique. To give all workshop attendees sufficient
opportunities for active participation, the discussion will take place
in two to three groups in parallel. Each group will present their
results to the larger audience before the closing discussion.


Every interested person is invited to apply for attendance by sending a
position paper to the organizers. The submission should be one to two pages,
ASCII text, PostScript, PDF, or MS Word format, describing the key ideas.
Submissions will be reviewed by the organizers. The authors will be
notified a
bout acceptance before the early registration deadline.


Position Papers Due:        January 17th 2006
Notification of Acceptance: February 5th 2006
Workshop:                   March 21st 2006


* Uwe Zdun, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien Abteilung fuer
* Christa Schwanninger, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
* Markus Voelter, Independent Consultant
* Iris Groher, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
* Danilo Beuche, pure-systems GmbH
* Arno Haase, Haase-Consulting


- AOSD Workshop on Commercialization of AOSD Technology, AOSD 2003

- Industry Track at AOSD 2005

- The 4th AOSD Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for
  Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS) at AOSD 2005

- The first Workshop on Models and Aspects - Handling Crosscutting
  Concerns in MDSD at ECOOP 2005

Dr. Danilo Beuche                       Phone: +49-391-54456910
pure-systems GmbH                       Fax:   +49-391-54456990

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