[aspectc-user] Problems with getting aspectC to work.

Shishir Ramam sramam at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 17:49:37 CET 2005

Wow. That was quick! Thanks. 

> I'm sure that your puma.config file causes the trouble. Normally, it
> coutains many more -D lines and several -I lines, which describe the
> include file search paths of your compiler. With the right config file
> you don't have to add all the include paths by hand. The missing -Ds are
> responsible for the parse errors.
> Could you send me the output of "g++ -E -dM -v -x c++ /dev/null" (or
> "g++ -E -dM -v an_empty_file.cpp" if /dev/null doesn't work with mingw)

Please see attached output.txt

> and the command line, which you used to generate the puma.config file,
> please?

$ag++ --gen_config -o test.cfg
$cat test.cfg
-D __puma
-D __STDC__

> Olaf
> PS: As a workaround you could switch to the cygwin g++ compiler. This
> definitely works.

Will give it a shot. But this is much slower for regular compiles in
my experience.
My project uses template heavily and this slows down the compile cycle as is. 
So am kinda reluctant to move.... But given the powers of AspectC++ I can be 
convinced! :)

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