[aspectc-user] pointers

Jamal Siadat siadat at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Wed Jul 13 05:15:29 CEST 2005

I have a question and a possible Bug.

here is the question:

I need to put a loop around one of my methods . I was thinking of using a
before and after advice and a tjp->proceed() in between (as shown). but
this doesnt seem to be working. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to
do this ( I need i producing 0 to 9)?

aspect Act : public A {
  advice execution("% A::%(...)") : before()  {
for  ( int i =0; i <10 ; i++)

advice execution("% A::%(...)") : after()  {

cout <<"at the end"<<i<<endl;


And for the Bug:

I may have acciedently discovered a bug! I have attached a couple of files
that you may look at. The interesting thing is that if you change the
before advice to an after advice in the aspect you'll get a segmentation
fault when you run it!!!!!
Oh and can anyone tell me how I can get away with using the after advice
and being able to capture the arguments. As you can see I've tried 
*tjp->arg<1>() as well but it doesn't seem to work.

Thanks in advance,

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