[aspectc-user] template parameters -- calling VS execution pointcuts

Olaf Spinczyk Olaf.Spinczyk at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Tue Oct 4 17:44:41 CEST 2005

Hi Mike,

I'm sorry for this late answer, but I had no internet access during the 
last week.

The problem is that ac++ only weaves call advice if the parser is able 
to resolve the function call. However, without the --real-instances 
option, calls to functions that depend on template instances are not 
resolved. This is what happens in your case.

You could try to compile your code with --real-instances (which is 
"experimental"). Please, report if this parser mode works for you.

Best regards,


Mike Mortensen wrote:
> This is a little long, just because I wanted to show the file, aspect, 
> and and so forth...
> I'm using AspectC++ (on Linux/x86) in the context of an object-oriented 
> framework that defines a
> rich hierarchy of classes.  So far, that's gone well since the methods 
> use pointers to classes in the
> hierarchy, but I ran into a recent issue with methods and functions that 
> have arguments of
> template types in the std:: namespace, such as  string, map, vector, and 
> so forth.
> For example, here's a simplified example:
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string>
> #include <map>
> using namespace std;
> void tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(int a,char b,string name, 
> map<int,string>& datamap);
> int tmrMain(int a, int b, double * data)
> {
>   cerr << "running code for body of tmrMain..." << endl;
>   map<int,string> mydata;
>   tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(a,'b',"cell",mydata);
>   string foo = "cell2";
>   tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(a,'b',foo,mydata);
>   return 0;
> }
> void tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(int a,char b,string 
> name,map<int,string>& mydata)
> {
>   cerr << "running code for body  of tmrGetAllCellInstantiations..." << 
> endl;
>   cerr << "  a=" << a  << " b=" << b << " name=" << name << endl;
>   return;
> }
> int main()
> {
>  return tmrMain(1,2,NULL);
> }
> As you can see, I have two functions that start with "tmr":
>   int tmrMain(int a, int b, double * data)
>   void tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(int a,char b,string name, 
> map<int,string>& datamap);
> The tmrGetAllCellInstantiations has a map of strings as an parameter.
> I apply my aspect file by going into a src.in directory and doing this:
>    /net/hpsvmmo/home/mmo/home/AspectC++/ac-0.9.3/ac++ -v1 -r AOP.xml 
> --no_line --gnu --problem_spec_scope
>         --config /net/hpsvmmo/home/mmo/AspectC++/ac-0.9.3/puma.config 
> -I.        -I/net/hpesmmo/home/mmo/AOP_Builds/StlFlow/include 
> -I/net/hpesmmo/home/mmo/AOP_Builds/StlFlow/../aspects -p . -d ../src.out
> My aspects file has several kinds of advice that are intended to capture 
> the CALL and EXECUTION of
> *all* functions starting with "tmr". I even made 2 advice bodies that 
> specifically focus on tmrGetAllCellInstantiations:
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> aspect TimeEvent {
>   pointcut call_any_tmr() =
>      call("% tmr%(...)");
>   pointcut exec_any_tmr() =
>      execution("% tmr%(...)");
>   advice call_any_tmr() : after() {
>      cerr << " after CALLING " << JoinPoint::signature() << endl;
>   }
>   advice exec_any_tmr() : after() {
>      cerr << " after EXECUTING " << JoinPoint::signature() << endl;
>   }
>   advice call("% tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(...)") : before()
>   {
>      cerr <<"before CALLING " << JoinPoint::signature() << endl;
>   }
>   advice execution("% tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(...)") : around() {
>      cerr <<"around EXECUTION of tmrGetAllCellInstantiations" << endl;
>      tjp->proceed();
>      cerr <<"after around EXEUCTION of tmrGetAllCellInstantiations" << 
> endl;
>   }
> };
> The result, which I can verify both by running the program and by 
> looking at the AOP.xml file (which shows
> joinpoints and matching advice) is that *only* the execution of the 
> tmrGetAllCellInstantiations method
> is ever matched.  Any advice based on 'calling' (both for tmr% and 
> tmrGetAllCellInstantiations) is not
> considered a match.  The slightly garbled nature of the signature in the 
> AOP.xml file:
>   void tmrGetAllCellInstantiations(int,char,::std::basic_string< char 
> >,::std::map< int,::std::basic_string< char > > &)
> in order to handle the fact that strings and maps are templates made me 
> wonder if matching calls versus executions is confused by that.
> I found that if I have tmrGetAllCellInstantiations not have a string or 
> map be passed as parameters (instead use a char* and a void*)
> then both the calling and execution ones match just fine.  I did some 
> hunting and found on the aspectc.org site that with older versions
> of AspectC++ this was an issue. I'm using version 0.9.3 (and 0.9.2) with 
> g++-3.3 on Debian linux.
> I added the flags:
>   --gnu --problem_spec_scope
> to my build line but it still doesn't help.
> Has anyone else seen anything like this? The odd thing to me is the fact 
> that the calling pointcut does not work to match a
> function with template parameters but that the execution does work.
> I can work around it with using execution, but my experience has been 
> that using constructs like this:
>    !within("% tmr%(...)")
> works with call pointcuts but not execution pointcuts.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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