[aspectc-user] AspectC++ + gSOAP

Leandro Costa leandro.costa at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 17:15:49 CET 2008

I'm trying to use AspectC++ in a project that uses gSOAP.
After generate source code with gSOAP (using wsdl files), I include one of
the .h files generated in my own .h file:

#include "soap/wdt/src/soapnorthBoundFullServiceSoapBindingProxy.h"

When I run ac++. I got the following error:

<typeinfo>:2: error: invalid member declaration near token `<'
<typeinfo>:2: located in the following non-file unit:
  typedef AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char
*,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char *,AC::TL<char
*,AC::TL<soap *,AC::TLE > > > > > > > > > > __AttrTypes;
  const char *__attr_name (unsigned i) const {
    static const char *names[] = { "name", "severity", "description",
"type", "code", "reason", "repair", "location", "faultTime", "soap" };
return names[i];
  void *__attr (unsigned __i) const {
    switch (__i) { case 0: return (void*)&name; case 1: return
(void*)&severity; case 2: return (void*)&description; case 3: return
(void*)&type; case 4: return (void*)&code; case 5: return (void*)&reason;
case 6: return (void*)&repair; case 7: return (void*)&location; case 8:
return (void*)&faultTime; case 9: return (void*)&soap; default: return 0; }

If I remove the .h file from the includes, it works.

Why AspectC++ can't work with source code generated by gSOAP?


                      Leandro Souza Costa

"A vitória se encastela em jardins encantadores,
 mas para se chegar a ela não há caminho de flores"
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