[aspectc-user] ag++ invocation

J. Liebig joerg.liebig at st.ovgu.de
Tue Jul 22 14:11:15 CEST 2008


I'm running the ag++ version (ag++ 0.7  built: Jul  9 2008) from the 
My command-line options are:

ag++ --Xweaver --weave_only -p . --dest ../output -v9 *.cpp *.ah *.h

The output shows (extract):
* AG++ Configuration:
*   Aspect C++ weaver:  ac++
*   C++ compiler:       g++
*   Files:               base.cpp base.ah base.h
*   Options (G++):       -v -I "."
*   Options (AC++):      -p "."  -v9
*   Options (total):     -p "."  -v9 -v base.cpp -I "."  base.ah base.h
*   PumaConfig: 1 Weave: 1 Compile: 0 Link: 0

It seems like, that the --dest option is not handled in any case. Am I 
missing something?

I want to have the aspectc++-tools in a standard makefile project. And 
at the moment,
this part does not work.

kind regards

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